December 21st, 2012 “Doomsday”
The date that is prophesied as “The End of the World.”
With this dire prediction, is there any science behind it? Could ancient Oracles predict the future? The answer could be surprising and affect us all. History proves a good track record for those who say Doomsday is almost here…
War, thoughts of war, signs and its devastation, there are those who say that this is just a dark times and that these destructive events are not random. All of these days and occurrences were prophecy days ago: in the pages of The Bible, the temples of Ancient Rome, the pyramids of the Ancient Maya, even the Internet. There are a number of prophecies that seem to indicate that something is going to happen in the 21st century and it also ties into the number of prophecies made in the Old Testament – these warnings of coming judgment – of a coming Doomsday, because people are not following the “rules of the law.” More than one oracle in history points to the same, single date. They all imply “A disastrous convergence not far in the future.” The Mayans marked December 2012 as being the end of “the cycle.”
The ancient Mayans in Central America created a calendar, so precise, that it could literally predict lunar eclipses thousands of years in the future.
The Mayan Calender December 21, 2012
Yet this Mayan calendar mysteriously ends on one single date – the Winter Solstice in 2012. Many questions are asked such as “is the world going to end” or “is there going to be some sort or major shift in the cycles of history?” The answer is unknown to anyone while the answer to any of these questions remains open. The newest version of the 2012 Doomsday prophecy comes from an Oracle that isn’t even human. Its inventors call it the Web-Bots project. Beginning in the late 1990s, it was made to predict possible future stock values. Independent programmers developed an application made from miniature applications called “Spiders,” or “agents,” to crawl the web for hints of future financial news. The concept behind this is that massive scans of language will reveal a direct connection to the collective unconscious – and a hint of the future. However it works, the “Web-Bots” track record is really impressive. In August 2004, developers made a prediction that about earthquakes. It predicted 300,000 dead and the water rising – all of which turned out to be the tsunami in November of 2004. The Web-Bots also foretold the anthrax attacks in Washington D.C. in 2001, the east-coast power outage in 2003, the massive amount of damage from Hurricane Katrina in 2005, but its’ prophecies of the future that are the most disturbing prediction.
If the Web-Bots are correct, there will be serious escalations leading to limited nuclear war in 2008-2009 type-of-time frame.
According to the Web-Bots, its future predictions will come to a halt in the year of 2012. Is it true prophecy, or just a lot of random noise? In the ancient world, the most highly regarded psychics were considered Oracles. The word Oracle is one who has some sort of prophetic connection with a God – or was God himself. One of the most important oracles in history was based in the Roman Empire. She was called “The Civil” and she lived in a cave near modern-day Naples, around the sixth century, B.C. Statesmen, Aristocrats, figures from the upper-classes of the Roman Society would go and consult with “The Civil” about anything ranging from war to domestic concerns. Before giving her prophecies, “The Civil” would go into a trance, which it was said that the God Apollo would take over her body. The God possessed “The Civil,” she entered a furious altered state. “The Civil” wrote her pronouncements on oak leaves, so that if the oak leaves got lost in the wind, they were not to be collected, so the messages were often scrambled. “The Civils” prophecies were housed in the temple of Jupiter in a series of scrolls. They were pronounced the most important religious books in Ancient Rome.
Among the Civils prophecies was a distant apocalypse, she predicted that the world would last for nine periods of 800 years each, the tenth generation would begin approximately 2000 A.D., and it would be the last. Excerpt from “The Sibylline Prophecy” Fire shall come flashing forth in the broad heaven, and many cities burn and men destroy, and much black ashes shall fill the great sky, and small drops like red earth shall fall from heaven, and then know the anger of the God of Heaven. – The Sibylline Oracles, Book 4. The Civils prophecies wouldn’t mean much if she didn’t have such a good track record. In the sixth century B.C., the Civil predicted the invasion of Italy by Hannibal, 700 years before it happened. And she predicted his ultimate defeat.
She predicted the rise of the Emperor Constantine, by name, 800 years before he was born. Yet her greatest prophecy gave her a place of honor among early Christians. In Virgil’s fourth eclogue, he has the Civil give a prophecy of a new age coming – a new golden age, a new child that will be born who would initiate this golden age. This was written approximately around 20 B.C. Later on, Christians took this as a prophecy of Christ. The Civils prophecy of the coming of Jesus, 20 years before his birth, caused her to be revered by early Christians. Even Michelangelo gave her a prominent place in the Sistine Chapel. Nobody knows how the Civil saw into the future. But a new archeological discovery suggests that the source of her prophecies was not God, but gas.
This evidence comes from another Oracle of the ancient world, this one at Delphi, Greece – The Oracle Adelphi. They thought that the god Apollo could inspire a person who could be a priestess of Apollo to foresee the future. The priestess entered an underground chamber and there, went into a trance. In this trance, she would give prophecies that were evocative, intriguing and that were surprisingly accurate. In 1998, a geological team discovered two fault lines running under the temple at Delphi, which led to underground stores of Ethylene Gas. In small quantities, Ethylene produces a mild euphoria and is the key ingredient in the dangerous practice of glue sniffing. In large quantities, the gas is a powerful hallucinogen that produces visions and sometimes, incoherent ravings.
This ambiguity may be the key to the Oracle’s success. A good key to any prophet or oracle is to “keep it vague.” Allow for a variety of different futures to be taken as fulfillment of prophecy and leave it open to interpretation. These was poetry that came from the Oracle of Adelphi. Like the Adelphi, the cave of the Civil was also underground, connected to volcanic gasses and fault lines. If you ingest hallucinogens, the brain interprets that as external to itself, which adds to the mystery to the overall sense that something special is going on. Yet the fact remains that the Delphic Oracle seemed to accurately and specifically predict – The fame of Socrates, years before he was known, the defeat of the Persian invasion of Greece in 480 B.C. and Alexander the Greats conquest of known world.
The accuracy of these ancient Oracles is not just a moot point, because these Doomsday prophecies apparently referred to our own time, and some find disturbing confirmation of the 2012 doomsday in the calendar of the Ancient Mayans – which gives a far more specific timetable of the apocalypse, including the year, the month and the day. The Mayan calendar seems to say that the world will end in 2012. It’s a startling precise prediction from a culture that took its calendar very seriously. The Mayan civilization flourished in Central America from the 6th to the 9th century A.D. They were simply obsessed with time-keeping – their calendar was incredibly precise – more accurate than even our own calendar – the Gregorian calendar. Its interlocking time scales of lunar, solar and planetary cycles, could accurately predict a solar eclipse thousands of years into the future. The calendar is also prophetic. In the 8th century, A.D., it predicted that white-skinned, bearded gods would arrive from across the sea in March 5th, 1519. On that precise date, Cortez and his conquistadors arrived in the new world.
Was it a coincidence, or was the calendar prophetically accurate? The answer matters – for the Mayan calendar also predicts the end of the world as we know it – on the date that the Mayans called “Hunab-Ku.” The winter solstice, 2012, December 21st, the sun rises and then the dark hole appears at the center of the Milky Way was called the Cosmic Mother. Only in the last five years, astronomers have discovered an actual black hole in the center of the Milky Way. Modern astronomers concur with the Ancient Mayans – on December 21st, 2012, the earth will be in exact alignment of the sun in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, a galactic event that only takes place every 25,800 years. Nobody knows what effect this extraordinary alignment will have on the earth, but the Mayans believed that it will be dire.
the MILKY WAY galaxy
Geophysicists have a theory that is similar to the events of the Mayan alignment. This would be called “Pole Shift,” in which the entire mantle of the earth would shift in a matter of days, perhaps hours, changing the position of the North and South Pole – causing world-wide disaster. Earth quakes would rock every continent, massive tsunamis would annihilate coastal cities – it would be the ultimate planetary catastrophe. As unlikely as this theory seems, it is backed by science. Albert Einstein first suggested it in 1955 and a new study from Princeton University reveals that the poles have shifted before. The North Pole rested in the middle of the Pacific, 800 million years ago, placing Alaska at the equator. Even if this pole shift took place slowly over years, it would result in global climate change and shifting sea levels. If it took place rapidly, it would mean planet-wide disaster and mass extinction of species.
On the other side of the world, the 2012 date also emerges in prophecy.
According to one theory, the identical doomsday date can be found in old Chinese text, in the “I-Ching” – or, “The Book of Changes.” The “I-Ching” was the most remarkable and most enduring oracle in existence. Its origins are shrouded in mystery – it is quite possible that the first messages of the “I-Ching” are approximately 5000 years old. Chinese legend says Emperor Fu-Chi, invented the “I-Ching” around 2800 B.C., a century before the pyramids were built in Egypt. The “I-Ching” is usually used for fortune telling – you ask a question of the text, then you toss three coins. If they are mostly tails, you draw a straight line, if they are mostly heads; you draw a pair of broken lines. This is repeated six times until the questioner has a series of six straight and broken lines, called a Hexagram. There are 64 possible combinations and there’s little texts appended to each of these hexagrams in which it gives you some reading about the future. Despite the opinion of skeptics, the 500-year-old “I-Ching” remains to be a best-seller – used by fortune tellers, psychotherapists, and Shanghai business tycoons. But only in the past decades, has the ancient “I-Ching” become an “Oracle of Doom.”
A controversial researcher named Terrance McKenna did mathematical graphing with “I-Ching” and turned it into a map of time. Before his death in 2000, McKenna recognized an unrecognized pattern in the 64 hexagrams of the “I-Ching.” The six lines and sixty-four possible combinations can be expressed as a ratio of change in each hexagram and plotted on a graph. When McKenna mapped that graph over a timeline, he found intriguing correlations that matched all 4000 years of recorded history.
His graph starts with the “I-Ching” creation in the Chinas Shang Dynasty – the same period as the dawn of civilization in other parts of the world. The sixty-four hexagrams repeat sixty-four times over history. McKenna called his theory “Timewave-0”. The highs and lows of his “I-Ching” graph seem to have accurately predicted: The fall of the Roman Empire, the discovery of the new world, and the world wars of the 20th century. But the strangest thing of all is that McKenna’s timeline came to an end on one specific date: December 21st, 2012. It was later that McKenna discovered that the Mayan civilization ended its calendar at the point of 2012. He felt that there was something truly prophetic about that date.
On the other side of the world, similar oracles would countdown to doomsday. In the 1890s a Lakota Sioux shaman named “Black Elk” had a series of apocalyptic dreams. “Black Elk” had certain visions in which he seemed to think that his people were going to suffer some kind of defeat. His visions brought about some kind of movement called the “Ghost Dance” – a ritual that would bring the Indian nation restored to its glory; instead, the Army misunderstood the dance as an Indian uprising. His own people were destroyed. Black Elk prophesied that after his people were destroyed, another apocalypse would eventually affect the entire world.
From the authors of the Bible, to the Native Americans, Oracles predict a looming doomsday in our own time, centered in the year of 2012.
Is it coincidence or prophecy? Will the end of the world be on December 21st, 2012? Around the world, prophesies predict that something dire will happen on that date. The Hopi tribe is possibly one of the oldest tribe that is in the US – The Hopi’s, since the late 1940s helped teach the prophecy. The Hopi believe that the world has been created and destroyed four times, and we’re about to see it for the fourth time. The signs for the Hopi doomsday: the seas shall begin to rise, great shakes will shake entire corners of the globe, and the sun itself will turn hotter. The glaciers melting will surely raise the sea level, causing tsunamis. One surprising prophecy from the Hopi, near the end of days, the world will be crisscrossed by a device they call a spider web. Could this be a reference to the Internet that links our world like never before?
The internet may be more than a reference point on the time table of doom. Disturbing prophesies are beginning to emerge from an Oracle called the Web-Bot project. This program scans the internet for hints about the future and reports back with prophesies that are as ambiguous as the Oracles from the ancient world – and just as chilling. The web-bot accurately described the attack on the world trade centers, 3 months before it happened. The web-bot also points to a global catechism in the year 2012. The web-bot suggests a destructive phenomenon eerily similar to the Mayans planet lineup and catastrophe. Is the high-tech oracle Web-Bot predicting the same thing as the ancient oracles – I-Ching, book of Revelation? Or is it all just coincidence – A meaningless pattern of random events? Throughout history people have had thoughts of the end is near, but they were wrong.
The fact is, we can’t foresee the future, but what we can do is live in optimism for the future. As the weeks and months tick down to the prophetic date of 2012, we can watch with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism, and hope the oracles of doom are dead wrong.
The sacred Aztec calendar is properly called the Eagle Bowl. It represents the solar deity Tonatiuh. The amazingly accurate calendar has bee“After Thirteen Heavens of Decreasing Choice, and Nine Hells of Increasing Doom, the Tree of Life shall blossom with a fruit never before known in the creation, and that fruit shall be the New Spirit of Men.”
The 13 Heavens and 9 Hells were each 52 years long (1,144 years total). Each of the 9 Hells were to be worse than the last. On the final day of the last Hell (August 17, 1987), Tezcatlipoca, god of death, would remove his mask of jade to reveal himself as Quetzelcoatl, god of peace.
In the mythology of the Aztecs, the first age of mankind ended with the animals devouring humans. The second age was finished by wind, the third by fire, and the fourth by water. The present fifth epoch is called Nahui-Olin (Sun of Earthquake), which began in 3113 BC and will end on December 24, 2011. It will be the last destruction of human existence on Earth. The date coincides closely with that determined by the brothers McKenna in The Invisible Landscape as “the end of history” indicated by their computer analysis of the ancient Chinese oracle-calendar, the I Ching.
The Mayan calendar is divided into Seven Ages of Man. The fourth epoch ended in August 1987. The Mayan calendar comes to an end on Sunday, December 23, 2012. Only a few people will survive the catastrophe that ensues. In the fifth age, humanity will realize its spiritual destiny. In the sixth age, we will realize God within ourselves, and in the seventh age we will become so spiritual that we will be telepathic.
the MILKY WAY is the inspiration for the symbol of the Ouroboros.In mythology the Milky Way Galaxy keeps a 'great time cycle' that ends in catastrophic change. This refers to a serpent of light (Milky Way) residing in the heavens, who, when viewed at the galactic central point near Sagittarius, eats its own tail. Suntelia Aion refers to the sun (light) rising out of the mouth of the ouroboros (aion) on the winter solstice December 21, 2012. Ancient historians, and especially Plato, referred to a cycle of catastrophe at the End of that Age.